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Realtime Development Updates
April 19th, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the execution process for Orion Bridge. Ability to resend a request for failed atomic swap and other fixes
- Fixed Wallet Connect interaction for Trust Wallet – fixed an error when placing a limit order and change networks
Back-end progress
- Created calculated order books using the WS API with a given accuracy based on the price of the aggregator
- Notable partner integration – in process
- Another notable partner integration — transition to version 6 of the protocol (broker, OB, staging tests)
- Deploying notable partner integration on production with further testing
- Hedged Broker balances feature being integrated
- Modification of Bridge for Linea network (for USDC asset)
- Notable partner integration into Orion
- Connecting external brokers (preparation of documentation + improvements in the broker)
- Gas estimation on the Polygon network for atomic swap (on mobile app for iOS)
- Price search enhancement (disabled prices from IOB)
- Auto slippage has been improved
- Working on improving the history of direct swap orders in the with indexer support
- New partner integration improvements
- Added new tools, development of an analytics service
- Improved mechanism for maintaining liquidity on broker wallets and contracts (broker hedged balances, under development)
- Updated Refer & Earn mechanics before opening
- Direct swap execution for users wallet along with the contract balance now improved
- Orion Blockchain — improving the processing of blockchain events
- Broker — several optimizations and improvements
- New tokens added
March 29th, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with some available deposits/withdrawals for USDT
- Updated Refer & Earn mechanics before opening
- Direct swap execution for users wallet along with the contract balance now improved
Back-end progress
- New notable partner building and testing before production release
- Stabilization of the indexer (swap calculations, balance sheets), implemented parallel interaction with LPs
- Integration with another notable partner in progress
- Testing a new service to optimize front-end work
- Implementing new tokens across chains
- Native bridge under construction
- Fixed Curve price calculation
- Working on implementation of improved direct swap mechanism
- Improved debugging for new partner integration
- Advancement of broker process
- Broker liquidity mechanism for wallets and contracts being developed
March 15th, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug for history of atomic swaps on the opBNB
- Fixed a bug in the in EVM when adding a network in MM
- Fixed a bug in new addition where swap did not trigger a signature in MM
Back-end progress
- Added new network: opBNB
- Work continues with adding more chains
- Added swap/terminal pop-up notification if the price impact is greater than 2%
- Changes and updates for the referral system
- Added a voting section for Lumia on the Governance page
- Added a notification about the balance on the contract – added for swap and trade
- Adding and testing new feature
- Tested and fixed integration errors with notable partner
- Limited swaps to native assets – the native asset in the limit order can only be spent on CEX
- Fixed problems with incorrect price on Curve
- Integration with notable partner
- Expanded liquidity for broker
- New tokens added
March 1st, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug with broker balances on the UI (for atomic swap execution etc)
Back-end progress
- Improved the logic of partial splitting of orders
- Testing integration interaction with partner
- Infrastructure improvements (Orion Blockchain)
- Notable partner integration (statistics and analytics, improvement of algorithm)
- Broker hedged balances (under development/tests)
- Partner integration (contract renewal, tests)
- Optimized balance queries for an arbitrary number of assets
- Optimized the calculation of swaps for an arbitrary number of source pairs
- Improving order execution in broker exchange
- UI improvements on mobile app
February 16th, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Referral link types updated
- Fixed bug for MATIC-DERC in Orion Widget
- Updated Gaslimit estimating (reduction of the estimated transaction price)
- Fixed veORN value in voting
Back-end progress
- Support stages of testing bulk new tokens
- Notable partner integration ongoing (improving and collecting statistics)
- Other notable partner integration through staging tests and environment preparation
- Token liquidity enhancement across certain tokens completed
- Internal optimization features for Orion Blockchain
- Additional chain support in progress
- Mobile app optimizations for Bridge, wallet connections and UI
- New token additions: LOOM PRL, PAXG, ILV
February 2nd, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Improved interaction with MetaMask: a warning frame was deleted if the connection to MetaMask was not stable.
- Updated “Terms and Conditions” document
- General minor bug fixes
Back-end progress
- Testing interaction with notable partner
- Starting interaction with a different notable partner
- Integration with another notable partner: algorithm improvement, analytics
- Improvements and tests with partner Nodes
- Balance streaming improvement and indexer upgrade (backend service)
- New network integration in progress
- New tokens listed, including $GLM, $POWR, $VET
December 8th, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a problem with buying and selling a native BNB asset for SWAP section
- Worked on improvement fix for process of adding new pools
- Fixed TrustWallet connection (for browser extension)
- Fixed UI bug in old Governance for mobile devices
- General minor fixes to mobile app and improvements
- Preparing for the release of Governance 2.0 And Pools 2.0 (now released)
- Added % pointer to swap for price impact
- Added exchange routing for disconnected wallet
- Redesign for mobile version (Bridge and Dashboard)
- Added estimated APR in Governance 2.0
Back-end progress
- Fixed orderbook for updated pools
- Disabled fees 5.1% in old Governance for immediately withdrawal
- Added support for the referral system on Aggregator
- Fixed the available Amount Out for swaps on update pools
- Fixed the lack of Agg response to unenforceable address for swaps
- Fix bugs with swaps of the NativeToken type => AnyToken on the contract and SDK
- Deployed a new broker version (a number of improvements, increased speed and reliability)
- New tokens deployed
- Improving the interaction of Orion Blockchain with Blockchain (main networks) node, increasing stability (Orion Blockchain)
November 24th, 2023
- Preparing for forthcoming releases
- Fix bugs in the referral for incorrect formation of the leaderboard
Back-end progress
- Fixed orderbook for pools v3
- Fixed incorrect processing of post hedges for notable partner
- Improved metrics for notable partner
- Integrating Orion-indexer and Aggregator
- Execution of complex pairs via an arbitrary asset (Broker)
- Moved cost change % in swap info, with calculation on aggregator
- Integration with another notable partner
- Additional new partner integration in progress
- Fixed and improved broker transfers
- More CEX tokens to be added
- Fixed DirectSwap
- Fixed bug on UI (loader animation)
- Fixed bug on UI (price was different from price on website)
- Withdrawal transaction added to history transactions
- Refactoring of adding liquidity to pools for a new contract (mobile)
- Fixing direct Swap transaction to the node (mobile)
- Adding the ability to ‘change/add a network’ to WalletConnect (mobile)
November 10th, 2023
- Fixed bridge bugs
- Updated icons for new added tokens
- Updating UI asset list in swap section
- Supporting cross-DEX executing orders
Back-end progress
- Testing and fixing Uniswap v3 feature on Staging environment
- Deployed notable partner on production – fixing bugs and making improvements
- Fixed the aggregation of order books for v3 (Uniswap, PancakeSwap) on staging environment
- Improving contract security (currently in testing)
- Minor bug fixes in the referral system
- Improving the performance of order execution of the broker (currently at the testing stage)
- Fixed unavailability of the bridge in some networks
- New token addition being implemented
- Swap by address feature being finalized
- Adding Uniswap v3 and PancakeSwap v3 pools
- Testing interaction with notable partner
- Audit ending and deploying updating exchange smart contract (on mainnet)
- Supporting release of v3 pools + updating on Orion Blockchain
- Optimising new fee-structure feature (updating on Orion Blockchain)
- Updating WalletConnect v2
- Referral system added to production
October 27th, 2023
Back-end progress
- Testing and fixing Uniswap v3 feature on Staging environment
- Testing and correcting interactions with new notable integration
- Improvements made to notable integration
- Adding Quickswap support enhancement
- Fixed swap calculation for Uniswap v3
- Added business metrics for order execution of notable integration
- Work continues on improved Governance
- Fixed a bug with the distribution of rewards on the referral system
- Improvements to event processing on Orion Blockchain for notable integration – tests on staging environment.
- Optimization of Orion-monitoring
- Improving Orion Blockchain infrastructure
- USDC (Polygon) update work
- Added new token to production on ETH mainnet
- Notable integration deployment on production
- Work on integration of the referral system for Orion mobile app
- Correction of minor bugs
October 13th, 2023
- New features on staging environment accessing for VIP group: including cross-DEX swap, swap-by-address, Uniswap v3, PancakeSwap v3
- Redesign of sidebar
- Token and pair selection UI improvement
- Improved mobile version of the Swap page
Back-end progress
- Deploying of new specific smart contracts (for new features – cross-DEX swap and pools v3)
- Swap optimization research
- Cross-chain swap in testing
- Worked on execution of lock-order on backend of cross-chain swaps
- Final notable partner integration tests
- Optimizations and bug fixes for mobile app
- QuickSwap on Polygon connection
- Price-oracle – fixed problem for BNB Chain (BSC) network
- Worked on the notable partner integration – cancellation of an order and broadcasting of blockchain events
- Notable partner – integration: event forwarding/synchronization with balance stream(OB), staging testing
- Collecting statistics on pairs/volume of notable partner
- Cross-chain swap: development of endpoints for sending lock/redeem orders call with Orion Blockchain
- Fixed signature on cancellation of the trade order on the mobile app
- Updating of design for new style scheme on mobile app
- Mobile app bug fixes
Current VIP Group Testing (for VIP members only)
Swap by token address
- In the Swap page, trade any token listed on the supported DEXs
Cross-DEX swaps
- Better prices by combining AMMs, splitting orders between DEXs
Uniswap v3 + PancakeSwap v3 liquidity
- Better prices through newly supported v3 pools
Refer & Earn program
- UI development for leaderboards and rankings for upcoming Refer & Earn program
Mobile App
- Testing new improvements and UI changes to forthcoming mobile app
September 29th, 2023
- New mechanism in final stages.
- Supplementary tool for new mechanism tested.
- New features for Governance being worked on.
Back-end progress
- Broker — implemented a mechanism for additional complex buys in the broker entity (including additional purchases of assets on the physical – for withdrawal and for individual assets).
- Transfer of balances for a new feature involving digital assets and working with it on Orion Blockchain.
- Review and testing of new pools feature – internally and externally.
- Testing new integration with the aggregator plus general tests and the cancelation mechanism.
- Work on notable exchange improvement is almost completed – support added for swaps, order books and optimized data indexing.
- Core work of new notable integration is completed, more testing and development to be added.
- Trustful atomic swaps/cross chain swaps work now completed, undergoing further testing – more efficient and effective method of swapping.
- Endpoints for the completion of a new process are underway.
- New mechanism is currently in testing process – will improve swapping capabilities for the user.
- Execution of complex sub-orders via an arbitrary asset has been improved – making a more effective trade.
- Much-improved process for swapping is being optimized on Orion Blockchain.
- Integration tests continue for a notable partner integration.
September 15th, 2023
Bug Fixes
- In the process of testing and correcting any current “minor” flaws in the UI (new design).
- Visual and redesign fixes
Back-end progress
- Testing support for improved pool feature
- Added support from new feature which is upcoming
- Work continues on cross chain swaps
- Work continues with partner on integration
- New feature mechanism being worked on
- Developing cross-chain swap
- New feature in the process of integration on the back-end
- Redesign of WalletConnect for Orion 2.0
- Adding the ability to work with different networks without switching them in the wallet
- Partner token being added
- Internal optimization of Orion Blockchain (internal name – not an L1 blockchain)
- New design of mobile app
- Improving and optimizing Orion Bridge